Urban planning as a key tool for delivering inclusive climate action

On March 28, 2024, in Chennai, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation participated in a workshop hosted by C40 Cities and Community Jameel for the launch of the Jameel C40 Urban Planning Climate Labs, a collaboration between C40 Cities and Community Jameel, that aims to develop practical strategies for incorporating climate action into urban planning. Chennai’s initiative seeks to establish a sustainable, liveable, and low-carbon urban environment, serving as a model for similar planning endeavours.

Nidhi Madan, associate director of climate policy at Shakti, participating in the workshop, said “To engage with communities, it is essential to talk about sustaining their livelihood while climate-proofing the interventions. Listening to their needs and consistently engaging with them to build trust is crucial for fostering community-driven climate action.”

Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

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