2021-22 Takeda Fellows: Leaning on AI to advance medicine for humans
1 February 2022
MIT News
MIT researchers introduce Boltz-1, a fully open-source model for predicting biomolecular structures
MIT Jameel Clinic
American Association for Cancer Research
Experts forecast cancer research and treatment advances in 2025
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
AI in health should be regulated, but don’t forget about the algorithms, researchers say
MIT Jameel Clinic
The New Yorker
How machines learned to discover drugs
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
AI model identifies certain breast tumour stages likely to progress to invasive cancer
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
MIT-Takeda Program wraps up with 16 publications, a patent, and nearly two dozen projects completed
MIT Jameel Clinic
The New York Times
Say hello to your addiction risk score — courtesy of the tech industry
MIT Jameel Clinic
Better cardiovascular care through AI
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
When an antibiotic fails: MIT scientists are using AI to target “sleeper” bacteria
MIT Jameel Clinic
The New York Times
How one tech skeptic decided AI might benefit the middle class
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
A new computational technique could make it easier to engineer useful proteins
MIT Jameel Clinic
The Week
How AI is changing drug development
MIT Jameel Clinic
Upworthy Science
How to measure your stress, with Dr. Rosalind Picard
MIT Jameel Clinic
Eric and Wendy Schmidt Centre
Data science challenge reveals new research directions for cancer immunotherapy
MIT Jameel Clinic
Boston Magazine
Jameel Clinic AI faculty lead Regina Barzilay named one of 10 very important people behind Boston’s AI revolution
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Five MIT faculty members take on Cancer Grand Challenges
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT Open Learning
Meet 8 MIT women faculty who teach MITx courses and lead cutting-edge research
MIT News
Deciphering the cellular mechanisms behind ALS
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Stratospheric safety standards: How aviation could steer regulation of AI in health
MIT Jameel Clinic
GBH News
'NOVA: AI revolution' dives into the past, present, and future of one of the most consequential technological advancements of our time
MIT Jameel Clinic
Budgeting for enterprise AI initiatives
MIT Jameel Clinic
The new frontiers of AI: Funding challenges and potential solutions
MIT Jameel Clinic
Building a two-way street between cell biology and machine learning
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT Sloan
MIT experts recommend policies for safe, effective use of AI
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
School of engineering fourth quarter 2024 awards
MIT Jameel Clinic
The New York Times
AI should be a tool, not a curse, for the future of work
MIT Jameel Clinic
Scientists discover powerful antibiotic using AI
MIT Jameel Clinic
CIO Influence
MIT group’s latest white papers release focuses on governance of AI
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Using AI, MIT researchers identify a new class of antibiotic candidates
MIT Jameel Clinic
Scientists discover the first new antibiotics in over 60 years using AI
MIT Jameel Clinic
Experts discover troubling reason oral health may worsen in the coming decades: ‘Real-world problems do not have clear-cut labels’
MIT Jameel Clinic
Arab News
MIT Jameel Clinic conference urges use of AI in healthcare
MIT Jameel Clinic
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Breast Cancer Research Foundation: Regina Barzilay
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
2023-24 Takeda fellows: Advancing research at the intersection of AI and health
MIT Jameel Clinic
عيادة جميل في معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا ومستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث يطلقان أداة مبتكرة للكشف المبكر عن سرطان الثدي عبر الذكاء الاصطناعي في السعودية
MIT Jameel Clinic
Al Riyadh
عيادة جميل في MIT تنظم أول مؤتمر يبحث دور الذكاء الاصطناعي في الرعاية الصحية في المملكة
MIT Jameel Clinic
صباح الخير يا عرب | مؤتمر دور #الذكاء_الاصطناعي في الرعاية الصحية للمرة الأولى في المملكة
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT Jameel Clinic hosts first conference in the Kingdom to drive the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare
MIT Jameel Clinic
Cyclerion strengthens board of directors with experienced company builder and cutting-edge innovator
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
What does the future hold for generative AI?
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Automated system teaches users when to collaborate with an AI assistant
MIT Jameel Clinic
The New York Times
What am I thankful for this year? Amazing scientific discoveries.
MIT Jameel Clinic
Marzyeh Ghassemi finds the right guiding star
MIT Jameel Clinic
Jameel Clinic at MIT and KFSH&RC launch pioneering AI early breast cancer detection tool in Saudi Arabia
MIT Jameel Clinic
Foresight Institute
Foresight Institute announces 2023 Feynman Prize winners, honouring groundbreaking achievements in nanotechnology
MIT Jameel Clinic
University of Berkeley College of Computing, Data Science and Society
Computational precision health programme welcomes new faculty, invites PhD applicants aiming to transform health care
MIT Jameel Clinic
GIST scientists advance voice pathology detection via adversarial continual learning
MIT Jameel Clinic
Neurology Today
AI detects or predicts Parkinson's and potential disease-modifying drugs
MIT Jameel Clinic
Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health
AI’s balance of power
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Twelve with MIT ties elected to the National Academy of Medicine for 2023
MIT Jameel Clinic
Medical Xpress
AI's balance of power: AI needs people as much as it needs data
MIT Jameel Clinic
Deseret News
The future is here
MIT Jameel Clinic
ABC News
Healthcare providers say artificial intelligence could transform medicine
MIT Jameel Clinic
What can ubiquitous radio waves do for healthcare?
MIT Jameel Clinic
Tech Daily News
AI ‘can’t fly solo,’ needs humanising context for use in healthcare, data expert emphasises
MIT Jameel Clinic
How to fight antibiotic resistance
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT Jameel Clinic
The pulse of ethical machine learning in health with Marzyeh Ghassemi
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
MIT scholars awarded seed grants to probe the social implications of generative AI
MIT Jameel Clinic
Yicai Global
World laureates forum to convene in Shanghai this november
MIT Jameel Clinic
IT World Canada
NVIDIA uses AI to solve climate change and protein folding
MIT Jameel Clinic
Express Healthcare Management
Artificial intelligence in healthcare: Transforming diagnoses and treatments
MIT Jameel Clinic
The Economist
How scientists are using artificial intelligence
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Katabi earns SIGCOMM Lifetime Achievement Award
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
How an archeological approach can help leverage biased data in AI to improve medicine
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
A. Michael West: Advancing human-robot interactions in health care
MIT Jameel Clinic
Opinion: Here are the jobs AI will impact most
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT Technology Review
You need to talk to your kid about AI. Here are 6 things you should say
MIT Jameel Clinic
Scientific American
Algorithms are making important decisions. What could possibly go wrong?
MIT Jameel Clinic
Medical Xpress
New machine learning techniques boost predictions for virtual drug screening with less data
MIT Jameel Clinic
Sizing up AI's promise and limitations in cancer detection
MIT Jameel Clinic
‘It’s going to set the bar pretty high’: A path forward for trusted AI in breast cancer risk prediction
MIT Jameel Clinic
AI's impact on different jobs across the labor market
MIT Jameel Clinic
AI-discovered drugs will be for sale sooner than you think
MIT Jameel Clinic
Financial Times
Superbugs: Why it's so hard to stop the 'silent pandemic'
MIT Jameel Clinic
Business Wire
Verge Genomics to incorporate Emerald digital health technology into its ALS phase 1b proof-of-concept clinical trial
MIT Jameel Clinic
Medical Xpress
How machine learning models can amplify inequities in medical diagnosis and treatment
MIT Jameel Clinic
Scientific American
AI could quickly screen thousands of antibiotics to tackle superbugs
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
How to help high schoolers prepare for the rise of artificial intelligence
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
MIT researchers combine deep learning and physics to fix motion-corrupted MRI scans
MIT Jameel Clinic
KFSH&RC and MIT Jameel Clinic collaborate to advance applied AI in healthcare
MIT Jameel Clinic
EdTech Magazine
Innovation happens when universities partner with K-12 on IT-enabled solutions
MIT Jameel Clinic
Opinion: AI alone won’t solve the problem of antibiotic resistance
MIT Jameel Clinic
ABC News
How artificial intelligence is being used to detect and treat cancer, but what are the potential risks for patients?
MIT Jameel Clinic
Diagnostic Imaging
Mammography-based deep learning model may help detect precancerous changes in high-risk women
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Jameel Clinic research develops 'FrameDiff', a computational tool that uses generative AI to craft new protein structures
MIT Jameel Clinic
Wyss Institute
With BioAutoMATED, now every biologist can use machine learning
MIT Jameel Clinic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Jameel Clinic scientists build a system that can generate AI models for biology research
MIT Jameel Clinic
Robot doctors and oenologists
MIT Jameel Clinic
Triangle Business Journal
Healthy approach to AI
MIT Jameel Clinic
Al Sharq Al Awsat
Artificial intelligence: Who wins?
MIT Jameel Clinic
Science Daily
Using AI, scientists find a drug that could combat drug-resistant infections
MIT Jameel Clinic
New superbug-killing antibiotic discovered using AI
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Five MIT faculty elected to the National Academy of Sciences for 2023
MIT Jameel Clinic
CEO Magazine
Why AI is set to become an important healthcare tool, not a threat
MIT Jameel Clinic
National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences elects Jameel Clinic PI Dina Katabi
MIT Jameel Clinic
How an AI scientist turned her breast cancer diagnosis into a tool to save lives
MIT Jameel Clinic
Scripps News
Could AI be the key to detecting lung cancer years in advance?
MIT Jameel Clinic
Down to Earth
AI for drug development: How trustworthy is the tech?
MIT Jameel Clinic
La Patilla
Inteligencia artificial promete detectar el cáncer de pulmón antes que las tomografías, según expertos
MIT Jameel Clinic
NBC News
AI could revolutionise cancer detection, according to MIT, Mass General research
MIT Jameel Clinic
Doctors are drowning in paperwork. Some companies claim AI can help
MIT Jameel Clinic
Business Wire
Allurion announces appointment of MIT Distinguished Professor for AI and Health Regina Barzilay to scientific advisory board
MIT Jameel Clinic
Eureka Alert
DART VADAR harnesses the force of enzymes for better RNA drugs
MIT Jameel Clinic
New Atlas
DART VADAR alters the deal for precision RNA-based therapies
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Speeding up drug discovery with diffusion generative models
MIT Jameel Clinic
Scientific American
AI chatbots can diagnose medical conditions at home. How good are they?
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT Technology Review
AI image generator Midjourney blocks porn by banning words about the human reproductive system
MIT Jameel Clinic
World Economic Forum
Six things you need to know about AI this month
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Fadel Abid: Sensing with purpose
The Daily Beast
This AI bot detects Parkinson’s by listening to you breathe
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
MIT-Takeda Programme heads into fourth year with crop of 10 new projects
MIT Jameel Clinic
Communications of the ACM
Neural networks for drug discovery and design
MIT Jameel Clinic
The East African
Simple AI read that covers complex issues of our time
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
MIT community members elected to the National Academy of Engineering for 2023
MIT Jameel Clinic
CBS Boston
Artificial intelligence is being studied to improve cancer care
MIT Jameel Clinic
Very Well Health
ChatGPT is great at taking medical exams. But can it replace doctors?
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Barzilay elected to National Academy of Engineering
MIT Jameel Clinic
The Conversation
The fight against antibiotic resistance is growing more urgent, but artificial intelligence can help
MIT Jameel Clinic
Sybil: An artificial intelligence tool that can predict risk of lung cancer
MIT Jameel Clinic
The Washington Post
This software tries to spot lung cancer years earlier. Can it?
MIT Jameel Clinic
As more never-smokers develop lung cancer, researchers test an AI model to predict patient risk
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
MIT researchers develop an AI model that can detect future lung cancer risk
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT & Mass General Hospital have developed an AI system that can detect lung cancer
MIT Jameel Clinic
Medtech Dive
AI predicts lung cancer risk six years into the future using single CT scan: study
MIT Jameel Clinic
Artificial intelligence tool developed to predict risk of lung cancer
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
2022-23 Takeda Fellows: Leveraging AI to positively impact human health
MIT Jameel Clinic
Your Story Gulf Edition
Jameel Clinic and UAE Artificial Intelligence Office hosts conference on AI and healthcare
MIT Jameel Clinic
Dubai hosts a regional convening on Artificial Intelligence and healthcare in partnership with UAE Artificial Intelligence Office
MIT Jameel Clinic
Alarabiya English
MIT Jameel Clinic hosts meet on AI and healthcare, to roll out clinical tools
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Large language models help decipher clinical notes
MIT Jameel Clinic
Healthcare Radius
Jameel Clinic AI Hospital Network launched
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Subtle biases in AI can influence emergency decisions
MIT Jameel Clinic
The organization using A.I. to mitigate the impact of future pandemics
MIT Jameel Clinic
The National
Syrian scientist develops AI system to detect Parkinson's early from breathing patterns
MIT News
In-home wireless device tracks disease progression in Parkinson’s patients
MIT Jameel Clinic
National Institutes of Health
Using AI to find new antibiotics still a work in progress
MIT Jameel Clinic
Arabian Business
A Saudi researcher: Big challenges remain for Saudi women in science
MIT Jameel Clinic
Big Think
AI model can detect Parkinson’s from breathing patterns
MIT Jameel Clinic
The Washington Post
A new algorithm could spot Parkinson’s early. Will it help?
MIT Jameel Clinic
Technology Review UAE
Artificial intelligence detects symptoms of Parkinson's disease
MIT Jameel Clinic
Breakthrough in detecting Parkinson’s using AI and breathing patterns
MIT Jameel Clinic
Alarabiya English
Breakthrough in detecting Parkinson’s using AI and breathing pattern by Jameel Clinic
MIT Jameel Clinic
A unique scientific device can detect symptoms of Parkinson's based on your breathing
MIT Jameel Clinic
Arab News
MIT Jameel Clinic makes breakthrough in Parkinson’s
MIT Jameel Clinic
Jameel Clinic provides a scientific breakthrough in early detection of Parkinson's disease symptoms
MIT Jameel Clinic
Boston Globe
MIT device senses breathing patterns to spot Parkinson’s disease
MIT Jameel Clinic
Fierce Biotech
MIT researchers track Parkinson's patients using radar as they sleep
MIT Jameel Clinic
Health IT Analytics
Artificial Intelligence Model Detects Parkinson’s From Breathing Patterns
MIT Jameel Clinic
Scientists invent device that can detect Parkinson’s disease when you’re asleep
MIT Jameel Clinic
The Economic Times
Now AI can detect Parkinson's disease while you are sleeping
MIT Jameel Clinic
In early research, an AI model detects signs of Parkinson’s using breathing patterns
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Artificial intelligence model can detect Parkinson’s from breathing patterns
MIT Jameel Clinic
Scientific Computing World
Unlocking new treatments with AI
MIT Jameel Clinic
Springer Link
Deploying a robotic positive psychology coach to improve college students’ psychological well-being
MIT Jameel Clinic
Health IT Analytics
How limitations in AI, wearables impact depression research
MIT Jameel Clinic
Pharmaceutical Technology
Governments and pharma relationships and implications for antimicrobial resistance
MIT Jameel Clinic
Learning Stable Classifiers by Transferring Unstable Features
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Artificial intelligence model finds potential drug molecules a thousand times faster
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Remembering Octavian-Eugen Ganea, a gifted MIT postdoc AI researcher and beloved colleague
MIT Jameel Clinic
Quantum + AI = Future
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
In bias we trust?
MIT Jameel Clinic
These tiny organisms are key to stopping the next pandemic
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Artificial intelligence predicts patients’ race from their medical images
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Can artificial intelligence overcome the challenges of the health care system?
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT Technology Review
These fast, cheap tests could help us coexist with covid
MIT Jameel Clinic
Tough questions, few answers: The FDA wrestles with its approach to AI in medicine
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Seven from MIT elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences for 2022
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Using AI to predict breast cancer and personalize care
MIT Jameel Clinic
The New York Times
Using A.I. to transform breast cancer care
MIT Jameel Clinic
See how AI can predict future cancer risk
MIT Jameel Clinic
Ragon Institute
AI/ML/Human Immunology Collaborative Initiative: Spotlight on Regina Barzilay
MIT Jameel Clinic
AI gone astray: How subtle shifts in patient data send popular algorithms reeling, undermining patient safety
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Artificial intelligence system rapidly predicts how two proteins will attach
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Deploying machine learning to improve mental health
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
The potential of artificial intelligence to bring equity in health care
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Seeing into the future: Personalised cancer screening with artificial intelligence
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT News
Robust artificial intelligence tools to predict future cancer
MIT Jameel Clinic
The Washington Post
Is artificial intelligence about to transform the mammogram?
MIT Jameel Clinic
Here is how artificial intelligence can help predict breast cancer risk
MIT Jameel Clinic
MIT Technology Review
AI vs. bacteria
MIT Jameel Clinic
A mask that can diagnose COVID-19? Scientists develop face covering that can detect the virus in your breath within 90 minutes
MIT Jameel Clinic